Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Which is a bigger pestilence: Sloth or the flu?

Here's the whole story.

My darling roomie has had a test today. As a result of not attending lessons for an entire semester, he has a whole truckload of self-imposed shit to cover. I would have said served him right if it wasn't for the fact that, as a result, his immune system was greatly weakened from having only 9 hours of sleep a day as compared to the usual 16.

So here we go, "AWWwwww.." Okay, now that I've expressed my pity for this load of lard, I can't possibly be called mean, can I?

So here I am, away from my room for more than a week due to all the submissions, stepping into the room, to sneeze my nose off because the room is putid from all the takeouts that The Lard eats in the air-conditioned room.


Hey kids, and now it's time again with me, Prof Eureka!, as I explain how an air-conditioner works!

Now first, an air conditioner is basically a refrigerator without the insulated box. It uses the evaporation of a refrigerant, like Freon, to provide cooling. The mechanics of the Freon evaporation cycle are the same in a refrigerator as in an air conditioner. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the term Freon is generically "used for any of various nonflammable fluorocarbons used as refrigerants and as propellants for aerosols."

This is how the evaporation cycle in an air conditioner works :
The compressor compresses cool Freon gas, causing it to become hot, high-pressure Freon gas. This hot gas runs through a set of coils so it can dissipate its heat, and it condenses into a liquid. The Freon liquid runs through an expansion valve, and in the process it evaporates to become cold, low-pressure Freon gas . This cold gas runs through a set of coils that allow the gas to absorb heat and cool down the air inside the building. Mixed in with the Freon is a small amount of a lightweight oil. This oil lubricates the compressor.

In simple terms kids, the air con takes the air in the room and recirculates it back into the room. So if you fart, you will continue breathing your fart 10 years down the road if you do not air the room.

Thanks Prof Eureka!. Now, like I was saying, The Lard fell ill from the shit he breathes in the room. He doesn't air the room. Flu germs get back into the air. He breathes the air. He falls even more ill. He expels even more germs into the air. He breathes even more shite into his lungs. He bleeds from all his orifices. He has pus coming out of his weiner. His eyeballs implode. He grows breasts. He then proceeds to expire. Woohoo!

Okay, you get my point. Anyway, I had to air the room for the entire afternoon and I'm still airing it. And my nose is still running from the septic air. All because either The Lard doesn't know that he/she/it should air the room regularly, or he/she/it/shim is too lazy to do it.

So, coming back, which is a greater pestilence?

Sloth? Or the flu? Please poll in the comments below!

F*** Busy

I have no time to blog cuz I'm so damned busy!!

1. Building Systems presentation and 10 page report submission on the 29th.
2. Finalisation of design scheme by 31th.
3. Effective Communications 12 page proposal by 4th (or thereabouts)
4. History of SE Asian Architecture presentation on 5th
5. Design Submission on the 8th
6. Crit on the 11th
7. History of SE Asian Architecture 2500 word essay submission on the 12th
8. Urban Design test on the 13th

I'm going bonkers.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Dumbest piece of shit I've heard in a very long time

Dear students,

As the end of semester and submission time is nearing please be vigilant and take care of your belongings and your personal security. May I also remind you on regulations concerning overnight stay (Pg.7&8 student handbook):

The studio is closed at 12:00 midnight and opened at 8:00am daily by campus security personnel. Students who need to work beyond the scheduled opening hours must apply in studio groups to the Dean’s Office through the Department on appropriate forms, which are available from the Department Office.

The application must be endorsed by the Year Leader and submitted at least 7 full working days in advance. Applications will be considered only in exceptional circumstances, e.g. just before project submission deadlines. Late applications will not be entertained. Campus securities personnel have right to check your identity and authorization for overnight stay; always carry your matriculation card with you. Visitors and non-students will not be permitted in the premises beyond the scheduled opening hours. Permission to stay beyond the scheduled opening hours is a privilege, not a right.

Therefore, to apply for overnight stay, you must ensure the following:

a) The overnight stay must be related to the design submission.

b) Due notice (three days prior to the beginning of the required overnight stay) must be given through formal application. Application forms are available in the Dept Office.

c) Applications must be submitted through the Year Rep to the Year Leader for endorsement.

If you don't want us to stay,

1) Reduce the absurd amount of work we have to cope with. Have us design just a toilet each semester. At the most a bedroom. C'mon, work doesn't get completed even with people staying up 4 nights in a row. And that's considered efficient. Don't stay back? You've gotta be kidding.

2) Provide each of us with a 21" LCD screen and a workstation with 1Gb of RAM. And also have a drafting table and workbench provided for each student to bring home upon acceptence into Architecture. You can't do that? THEN LET US STAY BACK!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I'm tired and drained.

Monday, March 14, 2005

The worst gig in my life

Played the worst gig in my life.

It's easy to point fingers (at myself included) but really, is there a need? I mean, the tech support obviously was substandard, and we (okay, some of us) did not practice enough, but really, I think everybody has an idea what went wrong and it's not about the amount of practice.

The band needs a direction, a commitment. Till now I doubt most of the band members have any idea how long this 'dream' will last, how committed is 'committed' and whether we're going to market ourselves or just stop playing once someone calls it quits.

It's this uncertainty that stops myself at least from putting in all my effort. I have work to juggle and last minute gigs don't do anyone good. Exposure, sure, but do we have a plan on how to get exposure or do we simply play play play?

I think the band needs direction.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Blogspot's screwed up

The comments don't work unless I log in! What's wrong?

Friday, March 11, 2005

Judge Tosses Out Teen's Homework Lawsuit

What is this world coming to? The world's most powerful nation is also the most decant and dysfunctional. Well done Georgie.

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A judge has tossed out a Wisconsin high school student's lawsuit asking for summers free of homework and may order him to pay the state's costs, court officials said on Wednesday.

Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Richard Sankovitz on Tuesday called 17-year-old Peer Larson's suit frivolous and said his complaint should be directed at the school board.

The Wisconsin attorney general's office may ask the judge to order Larson to pay the state's court costs.

Larson, of Hales Corners, Wisconsin, had asked that the state schools superintendent on down to his local school district and math teacher be barred from assigning homework over the summer.

Larson and his father said the problem arose when he was given three assignments just before the start of summer vacation to prepare for an advanced precalculus class that began last fall.

The younger Larson said he failed to get all the work done because he had a summer job as a camp counselor.

Band Jam

Can't resist this.

Songs sung, sorry, mumbled one octave lower with a nasal voice makes one sound like a a casette tape played at half the normal speed. Oh, did I add that the singer is tone-deaf. Played by band that is pissed drunk. Oops. Did I reveal too much? But I really need to add that so-and-so sang for the entire set.

100% for balls and guts. Immediate expulsion for ruining everybody's day.

The only saving grace was the etheral voice of the female lead of the opening band.

'Nuff said.

Hall Points

Woo hoo. 32.9 measly points. Think they missed out an aux (that's 7.5 points). And one wasn't flagged. Oh well. Not that I really care. I mean, there are some really nice people in hall and some great people in band and all that, but hey, it's a fact: aki students can never find time to do so much hall activities. Find me one who's actively involved in hall activites (and not at the expense of his/ her grades. I know there's a couple who are super active, but guess what happened).

Okay, let me rephrase. The Raffles hall system doesn't allow students who are hard pressed for time to contribute in other manners than stupid time-wasting activities such as flyer distribution and car wash and CAN COLLECTION. This is the first time I've heard some so absurd. Can collection? Why don't someone with brains simply put a box beside the trash bin and label it 'CANS'? (Float people take note! Oh ya, no float people read my blog. Too bad.)

A N Y W A Y . . . . . .

I've got tons of points to bid for a room but none to stay back. What an irony. And I can't even find time to go home even though home is a 15 minute bus ride away. On that point, I can't even find enough time to sleep. So 8 hours to chalk up an aux? Ptui!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

PODxt Live - Line 6

PODxt Live - Line 6 Bought it. I finally bought it.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Gave into temptation. Agreed to do another gig. Heh. Really Eng Kiat, where's your discipline? Give in so easily! And you still have truckloads of work to clear! And interim crit is a week away! Haiyo, tired of living ah.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Wasting time, wasting sleep

Spent the whole night up doing... Nothing actually. Half a presentation and the floor of one building. Considering I had 12 hours to do it I'm practically vegetating in my seat. Goodness me. I'm losing motivation. It took 6 hours in year one to do twice that amount of work. Geez! Either I'm slow or I'm slow.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Haven't had time to go down to City Music to plonk down the deposit for the new effects board for my guitar. Haven't managed to sell off the old one yet too. And I haven't told mom about it. Sigh. Will she kill me for wasting money when it's better off spent on reference books? But hey, 5 aki books cost the same price as one top-of-the-line effects board! And I already resolved not to spend so much on books this year... Is it justified to buy the effects? *bubble bubble*


Oh well. So much for my resolution not to play for band till August. I suppose my main gripe was with bands that don't practice beforehand and end up figuring things out during practices. But this band does prior preparations (and not as if I was very well prepared myself this time round... I'm getting slack ain't I?). In fact, I kinda enjoy playing with this band - its fun.

Realised I miss playing (I said it before didn't I? Tsk tsk, getting forgetful) and it's a break from the tedium of work (although I'm not sure it's at the right time with all the submissions going on) but ya, it's therapeutic. And its all nice people in the band... =)

Anyway digressions aside, I suppose I need to be more focused myself. I end up digressing during band practices myself... No good Eng Kiat, no good. Must focus and get the job done! Haha. Just hope we can pull off the songs. Nice vocals, and good effort on the musicians' part (except slacker me.. Gotta buck up!). And after that get back to my work and concentrate! Focus focus focus! Sigh, how many times must I say it?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Wisdom tooth's hurting like crazy. The 2nd molar in front of it is crooked. Suppose there isn't space and that it's probably an impacted wisdom tooth.

Gotta get it extracted. But when? Provided I go for the consultation on wednesday, the best day to do it would be on friday. Beyond that I can't find a day where I don't have something important and major. Monday is the consultation with the structural engineer on my building, and I need tuesday to study for wednesday's mid-term. After that I still have to meet for consultation on construction technologies. And thursday is another round of studio. Friday? I'll probably have died of pain by then.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Thank goodness my design got by my tutor. Now I'll need 200% of effort to make it work! Don't really like the form tho. Will probably need a lot more work to make it look good. Sigh.. So much work!