Saturday, February 04, 2006

Iran is world's top sponsor of terrorism: Rumsfeld

Article Here

I can understand why so many people in the world are pissed off with the US foreign policy. As much as the above statement that Iran is world's top sponsor of terrorism may be true, although I doubt it (remember the allegations of Iraq holding nuclear weapons and the HUGE about-turn the administration made when it turned out to be complete hogwash?), quoting it at a time when Iran is threatening to boot the nuclear watchdog out of Tehran will only serve to alinate Iran further and deal any further chances of diplomacy the coup de grace.

Remember what you heard from Old Man Donald and the American Idiot about Iraq? About democracy? So is Cuba, with Castro dictator for longer than I've been alive, more democratic than Iran, with an elected persident? In that sense, is the American government a truly pluralistic government? Is unilateral action (against Iraq) without the support of the international community a gross pervertion of global democracy?

Not to say that that the Bush Administration has not done anything right. But diplomatic sensitivity seems to be something that the Texan from the heart of redneck country has yet to master.


Blogger sunrise said...

hehe. trying to offset the previous cutesy phase with a little intellectual political commentary?=)

6:12 pm

Blogger kiat said...

Heh, I was hoping that a one week hiatus would have redeemed me of such intellectual blesphemy. Thought I should make sure =D

10:21 pm


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