Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ultimate Frisbee

My bones are falling apart. Man, i feel really really unfit man. Whoever says that frisbee is a game for girls should be shot and dragged out to be eaten by vultures. Till I find more energy to write abt it.. Going to rest..

Monday, August 22, 2005

Reservist Update

I kinda figured that if the SAF hadn't decided to fully digitise its records of servicemen, I would still have been forgotten by the army. Dang! Anyway, what happened was this corporal called me and asked if I had under gone the chemical defense training. God, YES! No more gas chambers and tear gas please! Ha.

Whatever the case is, that was recorded in my docket (and as you might have remembered I mentioned that it somehow got lost) and it doesn't take much to figure that the army is trying to update my missing records into the computer. Ah well.

Anyway Robin, are you sure my unit is a tank Bn? Sheesh? Why the hell do I need to be there? O.o"

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Think I haven't been using my brain for too long. Been trying to do my tutorials and its giving me a splitting headache. Or maybe because I slept too long today? Okay, I opt to blame tutorials.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Bummer. Too lazy to blog. Work is driving me nuts. And I suppose no irritating room mates so inspiration for rantings don't come easy. Heh.