Contact Sheet #1
Decided that I should slowly start putting photos back onto my blog. It's been a long time since I've put any decent pictures up.
Shot this at Tanjong Chek Jawa last year. Some fiddler crab I think. The bugger was trying to hide from me so I waited till it thought the coast was clear. Colour is the original true colour. Not photoshopped in any way. 300mm f/8 ISO800 on a Canon EOS10D.
Shot this a few years back. Only scanned the slide recently as I was trawling through piles of old film. 100+ rolls. How on earth am I going to digitise them. Gawd! Anyway, film I think was FujiChrome Provia 100, Lens was a 20mm on a Canon EOS50E.
Saw this bee at the Botanic Gardens Orchid Gardens. Shot it last year I think. Thought I lost it when my portable hard disk crashed (at the hands of a Windows PC no less!) but thank goodness PY had it as her wallpaper! *Muak!* The shooting data eludes me but I think it was a 200mm f/4 ISO400 shot on a Canon EOS10D (pardon the slow speed and long focal length. Hence there's some blur).
Cargo Shipment shot shows the power of film!
I think with the progression of digital photography, we are seeing lesser of creamy,noisy photos.
7:59 pm
Indeed. Nowadays in our pursuit of perfect, noiseless images we forget that it is the grittiness of film that evokes sensuousness of the subject. Black and white should always be shot on film. Period.
9:32 pm
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